Thursday 2 August 2012



With reference to the location of the Heart Centre on the right side of the human body, Sri Bhagavan said: I had been saying all along that the Heart centre was on the right, not withstanding the refutation by some learned men that physiology taught them otherwise.

I speak from experience.

I knew it in my home during my trances.
Again during the incident related in the book Self Realization, I had a very clear vision and experience. All of a sudden a light came from one side erasing the world vision in its course until it spread all round when the vision of the world was completely cut out. I felt the muscular organ on the left had stopped work; I could understand that the body was like a corpse, that the circulation of blood had stopped and the body became blue and motionless.
Vasudeva Sastri embraced the body , wept over my death, but I could not speak.
All the time I was feeling that the Heart Centre on the right was working as well as ever. This state continued 15 or 20 minutes. Then suddenly something shot out from the right to the left resembling a rocket bursting in air. The blood circulation was resumed and normal condition restored.
I then asked Vasudeva Sastri to move along with me and we reached our residence.
The Upanishada say that 101 nadis terminate in the Heart and 72000 originate from them and traverse the body. The heart is thus the centre of the body. It can be centre because we have been accustomed to think that we remain in the body. In fact the body and all else are in that centre only.
(Spirutual Heart :by Shri A.R. Natarajan) 

Alan Jacobs

Paritala Gopikrishna Gari Sahakaramtho.


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